It is now possible to use RPythonic to write CPython extension modules in RPython, RPythonic will work as the front-end that uses the PyPy translation toolchain to generate C code, compile it with GCC, package it in a cache directory with generated ctypes wrappers, and finally replace the decorated functions in-place in CPython.
RPythonic 0.2.8
RPython CPython Module API
import os, sys
import rpythonic
rpythonic.set_cache( '../cache' )
rpythonic.set_pypy_root( '../../pypy' )
rpy = rpythonic.RPython()
@rpy.bind() # declare arg types is optional if,
def add( a=1, b=1000 ): # keyword defaults are given
return a+b
@rpy.bind(a=float, b=float)
def sub( a, b ):
return a-b
rpy.cache('test1') # only compiles if cache is dirty
########### now functions are using compiled version ###########
print add( 99, 88 )
Module Compiling and Caching